Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 3:30 am

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Respect the Staff, your fellow players.Cheating to gain an unfair advantage by using third party programs, exploiting client or game mechanics or exploiting database or other bugs is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.If you find a bug that gives players an unfair advantage, please report the issue to RipperGunZ Staff so that it can be fixed.Threatening rippergunz Crew, the Server, Forums, Staff or Players is a Bannable Offence. We don't take this lightly.Harassing rippergunz Staff or other Players is not tolerated.Donors Help keep rippergunz and its servers operational. Verbal Harassment/Flaming of these people is inappropriate if it be the Forums or in-game. We will not tolerate this as these people deserve the same respect as any other player.rippergunz Staff will never ask for your password, do not give it out.You are responsible for all actions taken on your account, do not lend or give your account or account details to anyone else.In-game Chat and ConductIt is forbidden to do ANY of the following on ANY Public Chat or Say Channel in-game:Spamming (undesired, unsolicited bulk messages, repeating the same word or sentence many times to get attention or to interfere with normal operations)Flaming (messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting)Changing the color or your text so that it appears different to other players (this includes linkable tags)Faking tag (or other tags not suitable for players)Asking or begging GMs for free stuff.Asking or begging other players for free stuff - do NOT beg anyone for things.Talking about or sharing any type of cheat or exploit.Spamming or continuous discussions about cheaters, take a Screen Shot and report them.Settling disputes in open areas.General inappropriate religious, racial, nonsense, inappropriate humor, spam or garbage conversations which the entire server does not have interest in and should not need to hear.Penalties for breaking these rules include being Muted, Kicked, Suspended or Banned from rippergunz Crew's servers, subject to reasonable GM discretion.Game PlayThe following are ALL forbidden on our servers:Exploiting bugs or cheating of any kind to gain an unfair advantage in the game.Killing a player for "free" several times. (Swapping)File Editings, this involved editing certain files on our servers which enables exploits.Using third-party programs that give you an unreasonable advantage over other playersAll Character names must comply with Character Name PolicyAny cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your weapon,item etc. damage.Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your Hit Points, AP Points or other stats.Exploiting game mechanics to make mobs not attack youUsing macros to spam attacks,moves,etc.